1. Purpose of use of acquired personal information
We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, Personal Information Protection Policy, and other norms regarding the handling of customers’
personal information.
2. Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not provide your personal information to third parties, unless it falls under any of the following cases:
(1) When prior consent of our customers is obtained.
(2) When entrusting the handling of personal information etc. to outsourcing companies solely to achieve a purpose specified to the customer.
(3) When provision is required by law.
3. Disclosure of personal information etc.
We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, change, or deletion of personal information etc. when requested by an individual or his/her agent.
4. Use of personal information
The personal information we keep may be used to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of each service and business, and may be used mutually, expect in the following cases:
・With the consent of the customer.
・When required by law.
・When it is necessary to protect lives, bodies, or property, obtaining the consent of the customer is difficult.
・When it is necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of children, obtaining the consent of the customer is difficult.
・When a national institution or a local public body and/or a person entrusted with it needs to cooperate in the affairs stipulated by law, obtaining the consent of the customer will hinder the execution of the affairs.
5. Other issues regarding the use of personal information
(1) Correction of personal information (correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, or provision to third parties):
We will investigate when the customer or his/her agent requests the correction etc. of personal information.
If found that the content of personal information is inaccurate, the retention period has expired, or the handling is inappropriate, we will correct it.
(2) Notification of the purpose of use:
We will provide a notification regarding the purpose of use when requested by the customer or his/her agent, except in the following cases:
・When the purpose of use of personal information that identifies the person is clear.
・When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party.
・When there is a risk of harming our rights or legitimate interests.
・When it is necessary for a national agency or a local public body to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law.
・When there is a risk of hindering the execution of affairs.
(3) Contact regarding the handling of personal information:
We will process requests regarding the use, provision, disclosure, or correction etc. of personal information appropriately and promptly.